Sunday, April 10, 2016

Lesson 3
Name: Jayde Murray                        Date: 4/5/2016                   
   Student Grade: 5th                Reading Level: 645 (3rd)

“Good Readers use visualizing to help them comprehend what they read.”

Assessment of Objective: My student will complete a visualizing graphic organizer after I read a passage to him.

Other Assessments Planned: My student will be doing an blind sort with the same words we used during out last meeting. 


Opening: Hi, today we are going to be practicing how to visual while reading because it helps us remember what we read. Then we will be working with the word sort we did last time but we are going to be doing a blind sort so it will be a little different.
Purpose: Today the purpose is for you to practice using visualizing so you will be able to use this strategy to help you remember what you read/comprehend the text.
  1. ·      Word Sort- My student will be sorting words that focus on determining unaccented final syllables. This is going to be his second time sorting the words so we will be doing a blind sort with given categories. I will have the words flipped upside down and he will point to a card. I will pick the card up and read the word to him, his job is to spell the word on his paper and write it under the correct category.
  2. ·      Comprehension Strategy/ Visualizing- I will practice with you and then I will read you a passage and you will write down your visualizations on the graphic organizer, which separates them by your 5 senses.
  3. ·      Extra Time- If we have time I will have my students read aloud to me or I will read aloud to him.

Closing: Thank you for working with me today you did a great job. How can using visualization while you read help you?

What I learned about the student:
This time meeting with Leonard we started off with a blind sort. The way a blind sort works is the student does not get to see the words the teacher or a peer will say they word to the student and then the student has to write down the word in the correct category. For this word sort we were still focusing on unaccented final syllables so the categories el/le/ar/or/er were written on a sheet of paper for him and he had to spell the word correct in order to get it into the correct category. This sort did not go so well. He could spell the beginning of the words correctly but had trouble distinguishing which ending it should be. I already knew that's where he struggled but after he did the first sort so easily I figured he would be able to complete this one. I would say that Leonard does not have a hard time recognizing or seeing that patterns of unaccented final syllables but he does have a hard time spelling them on his own. So the trick is going to be how to get him to learn the different endings and know which ending belongs on which words. Next, we worked with a comprehension strategy. We focused on visualization (what we hear, smell, feel, see, and taste when we read) to help us better understand and comprehend a given text. I modeled to him what I do when I read a text and focus on visualization for two paragraphs, then we practices two paragraphs together, and then I had him do two paragraphs on his on and write his thoughts down on a graphic organizer. This went really awesome! He did an awesome job picking out something he thought of for all of his senses while he was reading. I was really proud of all the different visualizations he came up with while he read and he was able to express them orally and in writing. After complete the graphic organizer I asked him how visualizing can help him while reading and he responded, "It makes me feel like I am actually in the story and helps me remember what I read easier." I hope that he remembers to use this tool while he is reading so that he can comprehend text and have a purpose for reading. 

What I learned about myself:
I learned that even if your student soars past one step in a word sort still go to the next step instead of jumping a few steps because the more practice the better. I made the mistake of going from a closed sort to a blind sort right away instead of trying an open sort or a word sort game to get the student more familiar with the words. So I will be taking a few steps back so Leonard can have more exposure to unaccented final syllables and try the blind sort at a later date. I also learned how awesome it is when you can see the lightbulb come on in a student. When we worked on visualization he really knew what he was doing and was excited to create those visualizations while he was reading! It was very exciting to see him do so great.

What's Next?
Since the blind sort did not go so well we are going to take a step back and really recognize the words, look at them, say them, and notice the different endings. We are going to play a game with the sort so we can change it up and make it fun to see the differences in the unaccented final syllables. Also, we are going to be doing a close read, which is reading a text many different times for a different purpose each time. This is another strategy to help students better comprehend a text and find new things within a text during each reading. 
Closed Sort

Visualization Graphic Organizer

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